MILO Firearms Training for HLGU Criminal Justice Students

Hannibal-LaGrange University’s Criminal Justice program is sponsoring a MILO (Multiple Interactive Learning/Training Objectives) firearms training simulator on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 1 pm in Room 157 of the Carroll Science Center.

The simulator allows law enforcement officers to prepare for different life-like scenarios without the real-life consequences as they experience simulated traffic stops, active shooter situations, ambushes, burglaries, and more.

The MILO Range Simulator’s high definition video makes each simulated training look and feel as life-like as possible. The scenario library offers more than 500 different video options and is updated to offer training in the latest security measures.

The presentation will be directed by Mr. Jeff Arp of the Missouri Intergovernmental Risk Management Association, a municipal trust located in Jefferson City.

This demonstration will benefit Mr. Brady Sowers’ Police Operations and Tactics class and Mr. Bruce Capp’s Civil Liability course. The simulator allows law enforcement officers to prepare for different life-like scenarios without the real-life consequences as they experience simulated traffic stops, active shooter situations, ambushes, burglaries, and more.

Criminal Justice Professor Bruce Capp commented, “The goal in mind of a firearms training simulator is to enhance an officer’s tactical judgement on whether to use lethal or less-than-lethal force. It is better to have this type of training before such a situation is encountered in the field. We want our criminal justice students to be appreciative of the current training available to law enforcement.”

For more information on the event, contact Bruce Capp at 573-629-3064, or via email at

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