Student Teacher Candidate

Teacher Of Record Recommendation Form

The student teacher candidate wants to seek employment as a teacher-of-record while completing his/her student teaching semester. HLGU policy regarding teacher-of-record placement for student teachers is as follows: the student teacher candidate must possess satisfactory upper level field experience/practicum dispositions (no score of less than 3 on any disposition); the student teacher candidate must write a letter to the Teacher Education Committee requesting permission to complete student teaching as a teacher-of-record; and submit two recommendation forms from his/her academic advisor and an upper level course methods instructor. The Teacher Education Committee will vote and must pass the request with a three-fourth vote for the teacher candidate to be granted permission to seek employment as a teacher-of-record. Please answer these questions honestly to help the Teacher Education Committee in their decision to grant permission for this candidate to apply with a school district.

Would you recommend this candidate as a teacher-of-record?(Required)